What is Python programming language?

3 min readApr 22, 2019

This story is all about Python 3. Let’s start with What ? Why? How? method

What is Python:

Python was not named for a snake even though we use the snake motif all the time.It turns out that what Python was named for was Monty Python’s Flying Circus. And the reason was is that Guido was trying to capture an air of play.Most programming languages in the 80s when Python started were very, very serious, and very complex and you had to be really serious to figure them out, a lot of math geniuses. This programming language that would be fun actually, would be enjoyable to use. But let’s not make it weak, let’s make it both powerful and enjoyable.

Python is a high level (closer to human rather than computer) interpreted programming language. Personally I believe one should start programming by learning Python. It is easy to learn and understand. Currently we are on 3 rd version of Python. Python 2.x is legacy, Python 3.x is the present and future of the language. Python 3.0 was initially released in 2008. Later versions got released respectively in 3.3 in 2012, 3.4 in 2014, 3.5 in 2015, and 3.6 in 2016.

Why one should learn Python3:

Guido van Rossum (the original creator of the Python language) decided to clean up Python 2.x properly, with less regard for backwards compatibility. Several aspects are adjusted to be easier to learn for newcomers.

Python 3 offers so many packages and frameworks for all trending technologies like Data Science, Analytics , AI and what not. It became so powerful.

There are many libraries and packages available in Python3(Disclaimer: Do not worry even if terms sounds latin, we will learn gradually)

  • NumPy, matplotlib ,Pandas and SciPy (Data science and scientific computing)
  • Django, Flask, CherryPy and Pyramid (for Web sites)
  • PIL (an image processing module) was superseded by its fork Pillow, which supports Python3.
  • cx_Freeze (for packaging applications with their dependencies)
  • py2exe (for packaging your application for Windows users)
  • OpenCV 3, (an open source computer vision and machine learning library) now supports Python 3 in versions 3.0 and later.
  • Requests, (an HTTP library for humans)
  • lxml, (a powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API)
  • BeautifulSoup4, (a screen-scraping library for parsing HTML and XML)
  • The IPython/Jupyter project for interactive computing fully supports Python 3.

and many more!

There are other flavors of Python, Let’s have a look at those:

  • Jython- Python implementation written in Java
  • IronPython- Python implementation targeting Microsoft’s .NET framework
  • Cython- C extensions with a language similar to Python.
  • PyPy- PyPy is an alternative implementation of the Python programming language which often runs faster than the standard implementation of Python, CPython.

